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About Us & Our Mission

  • Christian Insurance Group is an independent marketing organization that strives to go above and beyond for each and every person we serve. We provide life and health insurance strategies as well as wealth coaching to individuals, families, and businesses.

  • As the Gospel tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). For us “loving our neighbor” is the ethical foundation of our responsibility to clients. Therefore, Christian Insurance Group is dedicated to providing high quality financial products and excellent business services for all of our clients.

    We wish to establish a successful partnership with our clients that respects their interests and goals. Our Success is measured by our ability to meet or exceed our client’s expectations of price, service, and expertise. 

  • Some of Our Main Carriers

    When you choose to work with us, we go to work for you and your family...


    Our Plans fit your needs without all the confusing language and fine print common with many insurance policies. 



    What Does Our Founder Jake Hagg Have to say?

    "I love serving and helping people!

    I started Christian Insurance Group because I saw the need to help the people understand the life insurance policies they purchased or were looking to purchase. Many clients that I met with had policies bought policies with weird wording and fine print. They had no idea the life insurance they purchased would keep going up in price or would expire when they were 75 or 80!

    My most memorable experience: "I was just wrapping up my appointment with a wonderful elderly couple in west Michigan. The woman was a devoted Christian and at the end of our meeting together I heard the holy spirit ask me to pray with them. Not thinking much of it at the time we said a prayer and I was on my way. I received a call from that woman not even 6 months later who, with tears in her eyes; told me her husband passed away shortly after our meeting but that she is so grateful that I prayed with them because after over 60 years of marriage her husband had never accepted Christ. But after I met with the family and prayed with them he decided to go to Church that weekend and gave his life to the lord. Praise God!" 


    Over the years, we realized that many people are taking out insurance policies/annuities without fully understanding what they are buying. Many people do not know that the policy they have will expire on them or that the prices continue to increase. Other times they were pushed into buying overpriced products or tricked into purchasing something they have no need for. We believe financial education is important for all people regardless of your age, income or race. We do education seminars and event at our locally to give back to the communities. 

    Our Financial Planners are Awesome

    Our agents have to go through rigorous training, take a minimum of 40 hours pre insurance training and pass the state board exam in order to have the privilege of serving you. Our clients can rest assured knowing that our agents are knowledgeable and highly competent at what they do and have the desire to provide the best coverage and planning options based on your age, health and needs.

    Life Insurance

    No one really wants to think about life insurance. But someone is depending on you to make a plan. When tragedy strikes, life insurance proceeds can:

  • Pay for funeral costs

  • Help pay the bills and meet ongoing living expenses

  • Pay off outstanding debt, including credit cards and the mortgage payments

  • Finance future needs like your children’s education

  • Protect a spouse’s retirement income

  • Health Insurance

    Health insurance covers expenses for illnesses, injuries, preventatives, and conditions.

  • Because accidents or health problems can happen at any time

  • Medical expenses are high—they’re the number one cause of bankruptcy

  • To gain access to a network of doctors and hospitals that have negotiated lower rates with insurance companies

  • To safeguard your way of life and your family’s physical and financial well being

  • Home health care plans can provide a way to stay out of the nursing home

  • 7000+ Clients and Counting all AROUND THE COUNTRY


    I had a bad life insurance policy that the price was going to go from $40 a month to over $400 a month. My Old agent told me it was whole life but what I really had was Universal Life. Thanks to Christian Financial I know have a good policy. Thank you and God Bless

    Arline S - Michigan

    I have peace of mind knowing I have a fighting chance to stay out of the nursing home. I Never knew how easy and affordable it was to plan for future care in my own home! Thank you for these valuable tips Christian Insurance Group they will definitely be implemented!

    Linda H - Texas

    I really appreciate my agent from Christian Insurance Group. He got me first day coverage even with COPD, all the other companies I looked at wanted to make me wait for coverage with a 3 year wait. 

    Delores G - Tennessee 

    My husband and I bought policies from Christian Insurance Group a while back. When my husband passed away, they guided me through the claims process and got me the money I need for my husband's burial quick! Thank you Christian Insurance Group!

    Barbara T - Ohio


    A life changing, rewarding career awaits you

    Christian Insurance Group
    All Rights Reserve


    [email protected]


    1000 W St Joseph St, Suite 300

    Lansing, MI 48915


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